Kiln Dried Ash Firewood For Sale in Uk
Kiln dried ash firewood for sale in uk, Ready-To-Burn accredited firewood. Easy to light with a long-lasting burn time and less than 20% moisture level.
Create a beautiful bright and steady flame with this reliable firewood.
Carefully stacked by hand into crates for maximum value per purchase.
We only sell by volume, never by weight to ensure that our customers get the best value for money. Each Kiln Dried Ash Firewood Crate holds a loose volume of 2m3, carefully stacked by our brilliant team.
Proper Storage:
Our Kiln Dried Ash Firewood crates are wrapped in a thin plastic sheet to ensure dryness during shipping.
Store in a sheltered space, off the ground, with plenty of air circulation to prevent moisture absorption.
For Optimal Fire Lighting:
Create a 1-inch bed of Ash in your log burner.
Use Ecoblaze 100% Natural Firelighters and Ecoblaze Premium Kiln Dried Kindling.
Ignite the firelighters and wait for the kindling to catch fire.
Gradually close vents to control airflow and extend burn time.
Add more Kiln Dried Ash logs as needed to maintain a consistent heat.
Order your Kiln Dried Ash Firewood Full Crate today!
Height: 1.20m, Width: 1.14m, Length: 1.08m
Height: 1.05m, Width: 1.09m, Length: 1.05m
Stacked*: 1.2m³, Loose: 2.00m³
*The loose volume of firewood is what we are required by the legislation to quote. It refers to the volume of logs if those logs were supplied all jumbled up, or poured ‘loose’ into a container. This is how bulk firewood has traditionally been sold in the United Kingdom. Supplying firewood in a stacked format is a far more efficient method and allows us to make savings in both the carbon footprint and cost of transport of the product – savings we pass onto you.
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